He who dwells in the shelter of ELYON will abide in the shadow of SHADDAI.
— Psalm 91:1 (TLV)

Then ADONAI said, "See, a place near ME - you will stand on the rock. While MY glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and cover you with MY hand, until I have passed by.
— Exodus 33: 21-22


As a young child in the '60s, Brenda had free reign to explore low tidal pools, woodlands, dunes, and streams. This commenced a lifestyle of physical and mental ingathering where smells, textures, shapes, colors, etc. created the foundation that was later cemented in her beloved art class haven. Brenda received a Bachelor of Fine Art at Stellenbosch University, and her focus on “meaning” significantly steered her toward becoming a Christian artist. Courses that were great influencers were color theory; where she realized most artists see colors uniquely and life drawing (taught according to the Nicolaides method) where her quest for strong gesture lines began.

Brenda’s graphic skills were honed as a magazine layout artist at Sarie Magazine in Cape Town where she developed symmetrical tendencies. Later, Dumo-X & Samech Nes (Christian books, music, art & crafts store) commissioned her for many products including: posters, cards, t-shirts, candelabra, etc. Between 2002 and 2019 Brenda had commission opportunities for painting, drawing, illustration, photography, and printmaking. During this period, she also produced arts & crafts for biblical festivals and exhibits focusing on biblical narratives and the miracles that ADONAI did in the lives of HIS emissaries.

ADONAI opened a completely new and refreshing world for Brenda in 2022 with opportunities to exhibit her cyanotype printing works in America through CIVA (Christians in the Visual Art), and Ex Nihilo Gallery!

Artist Statement

"Abide in CHRIST" was one of Andrew Murray's favorite sayings - I could linger over or dwell on HIS WORD for days even weeks before making art. Research provides countless new avenues for confirming thoughts and filling in concepts and images to tell a story. ABBA led me to commence my day with five chapters of scripture which changed my perception significantly and illuminated the images, metaphors, and symbols richly infused in ADONAI's WORD. While gathering and exploring to communicate what HE wants me to say I would make small sketches next to the scripture in case I forgot the images popping up while researching. Photographs are juxtaposed with rough drawings for emphasis and a collage build-up of images with Hebrew WORD typeset as ground/foundation.

Link to CV


Shayla Wigand Loe


Deryn Van Der Tang