Enjoy these virtual tours of our exhibits showcasing selected works from each show.
See the complete works during the exhibition dates. Best viewed on a computer.

Virtual Tour of the HARVEST. Exhibition dates AUG 26-NOV 4, 2022

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The Bible has many references to a “harvest”. The word itself appears over 100 times, mostly regarding literal harvests and historical events. But there are also many verses regarding laws on when and how to harvest, festivals, tithing, sabbath, provision for the poor, and even giving the land rest. But that’s not all. Many HARVEST verses are prophetic, symbolic, and figurative.

This exhibit is open to all biblical representations of HARVEST as interpreted by the artists. [ FULL EXHIBIT ON VIEW NOW]

Selected works from the Out of Nothing Exhibit (Feb-May 2022)

Virtual Tour (best viewed on a computer )

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Our first online exhibition Out of Nothing.

This exhibit celebrates innate creativity.

Our world abounds with natural beauty. This beauty, often taken for granted, surrounds us. We might pause to admire a beautiful flower or a particular sunset but how long do we stop to really consider it? Everything we see, everything we hear, everything we taste, everything we touch, everything…

God created literally out of nothing!

Obviously, we are unable to create anything this way. However, since He created us in His image, creativity is in our DNA. Ideas are fueled by our imagination then something virtually new is created…seemingly out of nothing.