Suzanne Jeffers

My favorite scripture:

“I and my Father are one.”
— John 10.30



Suzanne is a self-taught nature photographer, who refines her stills joyously through exploration and experimentation. She is stirred by magical moments of beauty that open her heart. Suzanne feels that spending time in nature heals and is restorative for humanity. She is passionate about aiding people in bringing nature indoors to uplift their homes and offices. She invites you to look closely at the beauty hidden within the images of nature she captures to find God’s art encapsulated from the perspective of her lens. Many of Suzanne’s miraculous images, were captured in her seven-year “beach dream life” in Virginia Beach, VA.

Suzanne currently resides in Whitemarsh Island, Georgia, and is a mother of two girls. She is grateful for the time to expand her creativity and is blessed to share her sunrises and peaceful southern coastal living with you.

Artist Statement

“I have always enjoyed being outside admiring the beauty of wildlife, flowers, trees, and coastal scenery. Wishing to capture the awesome moments of beauty in nature, I take my camera on hikes and bike outings. I share my framed, matted nature photography in local art markets weekly gathering inspiration and new ideas from artists, vacationers, and photographers visiting my booth. Wellness centers and dentists appreciate displaying my work saying, ‘The peaceful photographs uplift the vibe in the office.’ I am excited as viewers treasure God's art by seeing the perspective of my loving lens. I am glad to inspire others to get outside and be a part of the beauty all around us.”


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