Are you shining for the LORD?

Elise Aleman
Reverence. 2018
Oil on unstretched canvas, glass beads
18.5 x 11.5 inches

Sometimes, I can have a bad attitude. Anyone else out there ever get “grumbly” (whiney, complaining)? “If only everything would go exactly as *I* would like it too, wouldn't life be so nice (for me anyway)?” God fix my attitude!

The Apostle Paul urges the Philippians (and us) to quit grumbling–and not just because He is sick of hearing it, which would be valid, Paul says it gets in the way of our “shining” for Christ. Wow, that’s so true. I just hadn’t thought of it that way.

Friend, we all have specific gifts and talents, and very particular destinies. However, God has a general assignment for each of us: SHINE! JESUS said, “Let your light so SHINE before people that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven!” (Mt 5:16).

If part of my purpose in life is to SHINE–bringing hope, love, light into the world–I need to fix my attitude and quit my grumbling so that I can do that (and I will feel so much better inside when I do)! How about you? Anyone out there with me on this?

A Prayer: Lord, thank You for calling me to Shine for You. Forgive me for my bad attitude about ___. Help me to live this day in gratitude and faith. I am thankful for ___ and I trust you to ___. I want to be used by you to bring hope, love, and light into the world. Please Shine through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Spiritual Growth